The Luoyang Peony Culture Festival is opening!

Release time: 2019-04-12 11:09 Browse volume:1917

At 8 o'clock tonight, the opening ceremony of the 37th China Luoyang Peony Culture Festival  will be staged at Dingdingmen Site Square. 

Luoyang Radio and TV started live all day from 8:45, and the opening ceremony was held at 8:00  pm. Traffic control around the city, pay attention to driving safety. In fact, you can watch  the live broadcast at home, more warm!  On the morning of April 9, the “Open and Sharing, Wisdom creates the future – Luoyang • 2019 Urban Economic Innovation and Development Forum and the 37th Luoyang Peony Culture Festival  Investment and Trade Fair”was officially held by the Henan Provincial Department of Commerce and the Luoyang Municipal People's Government.The activities are divided into two parts: “Urban  Promotion and Project Signing” and “Open and Sharing, Wisdom creates the future – Luoyang • 2019  Urban Economic Innovation and Development Forum”.

At the "Open and Sharing Smart Future - Luoyang 2019 Urban Economic Innovation and Development Forum", the leaders of relevant state ministries, experts, scholars, business leaders and people from all  walks of life were invited to gather in Luoyang to make suggestions for the development of Luoyang  and jointly explore the new era of Luoyang. Open development, innovative development, and a path of high quality development. At the centralized signing ceremony of the investment promotion project of Luoyang Peony Culture  Festival Investment and Investment Fair, 36 projects (including 33 contract projects and 3 strategic cooperation agreements) were signed, and the total investment of 33 contract projects was 53.75 billion  yuan. Among them, there are 19 projects with a value of more than 1 billion yuan, 21 projects for  top 500 enterprises at home and abroad, and 50 enterprises for the industry. 

There are 31 “five strong, six new and five special” modern industrial projects and two foreign  investment projects.  The project mainly involves advanced equipment manufacturing, new materials, cultural tourism,  high-efficiency agriculture,bio-pharmaceutical, high-end petrochemical, modern logistics, peony  and other industrial fields. These projects are in line with the strategic positioning of Luoyang  in the country and Henan Province, which is in line with the development direction of Luoyang industry. It is of great significance and far-reaching impact on accelerating industrial transformation  and upgrading, promoting Luoyang's open development, innovation and development, and high-quality  development. Make the process beautiful and make the results shine. Don't give up this second, there will be hope in the next second!Struggle, Luoyang people!