Happy Birthday ! BIZOE

Release time: 2018-08-09 12:30 Browse volume:1863

What a warm and joyful evening it is! At this historical moment ,on BIZOE’s 8 years birthday, all of our dedicated BIZOE staffs spent this amazing evening together.

As our annual profit start from scratch to $ 9000000  a year, we achieved ourselves and still keep fighting.

We are definitely proud of our achievement, but none of us is   satisfied with current achievement. Everyone has a big dream and we still have a long way to fight through for the brighter future.

BIZOE General Manager Mr Howard Wang happily singing Birthday song with staffs.

BIZOE Sales Director Mr Andy Wang highly praised one of top sales manager Mrs Tracy Fu and tipped her a handsome bonus  for successfully developing a new market in Thailand for the company.

At last, we shared the birthday cake of those who was born in August. We are not only friendly colleagues, but also brother and sister like family members to each other.

Dear comrades! Let’s celebrate together, for BIZOE, our big family, for our properous  steel office furniture industry, for the infinite potentials in this exciting career,  for our common glorious future!
