How Much Weight Can A Metal Cupboard Withstand?
Release time: 2018-12-07 11:56 Browse volume:2460
How Much Weight Can A Metal Cupboard Withstand?
Have you ever wonder how much weight can a metal cupboard withstand? Or have you ever wonder how can a simple shelf be able withstand the weight of heavy load of file documents?
Actually, how much weight can a metal cupboard holds is not determine by how well the cupboard is fixed nor it is determined by the price you paid for. It is actually the design of the shelf that determine how much weight can your cupboard withstand.
How the design of the shelf helps to withstand the weight? The design of the shelf is really important. Here are some of the factors that can affect the weight that it can withstand.
1) Thickness of the cold-rolled steel sheet
The thickness of the material used will affect the sturdiness of the shelf. A 0.4mm - 0.5mm thickness might cause shelf to wob hence, 0.7mm thickness is recommended.
2) Presence of the reinforcement bar
With a reinforcement bar welded to the back of the shelf, it will be able to strengthen and allows the shelf to withstand the weight better. As, without this bar, the shelf will bend and collapse after sometime when the weight gone beyond its capability. At least a 40mm wide reinforcement bar will be recommended.
3) Folds of the shelf
The folds of the shelf's four-side is also a factor that will affect the shelf performance. If the folds is too thin, the shelf might not be able to withstand and spread the weight across the cupboard. The height of the fold recommended will be at least 20mm.
4) Placement of the documents
Placement of the documents on the shelf also play a part on how much weight can your cupboard withstand. Placing the heaviest item at the bottom will help to stabilise the cupboard better. And spreading the weight of documents evenly across the shelves and cupboard will increase the withstanding power of your cupboard.
The price you paid for the cupboard does not really tell you how well your cupboard can withstand weight but is really the design of the cupboard and shelves and how you store your documents.